Thursday, November 17, 2016

Flood Plain MS June 2014 P12 Qn 4 (b)

(i) Features such as: 
wide channel; 
gentle long profile; 
debris/rocks in channel/pebbles/slip off slope/river beach/deposition has taken place; 
splits into two channels/has a small island in middle/braided; 
gently sloping valley sides; 
wide valley, etc. 

3 @ 1 mark [3] 

(ii) Ideas such as: 
hydraulic action; 
power/force/weight of water will wear away loose materials; abrasion/corrasion; 
debris carried by river will scrape along the bed/banks; corrosion/solution; 
acids in water will carry out carbonation/dissolve rocks like chalk and limestone; 
lateral erosion; 
sideways erosion as water moves quickly around the outside of bends; 
vertical erosion; 
downwards erosion of the river bed, etc. 

5 @ 1 mark or development [5] 

(c) Levels marking 
Level 1 (1–3 marks) Statements including limited detail which explain why flooding occurs. 

Level 2 (4–6 marks) Uses named example. More developed statements which explain why flooding occurs. 
(N.B. max 5 if no named or inappropriate example) 

Level 3 (7 marks) Uses named example. Comprehensive and accurate statements, including some place specific reference. 

Content Guide: 
Answers are likely to refer to: 
snow melt 
removal of vegetation 
rock type 
impact of roads, buildings and drains 
global warming tsunamis, etc. 

Place specific reference is likely to consist of: 
locational details 
details of amounts of precipitation 
named settlements along river 
time/date, etc. 

N.B. The example can be an area or a river. Use of accurate statistics is L2. [7] 

 [Total 25 marks] 

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