Friday, November 18, 2016

Rivers MS Sample 2016 Paper 1 Qn 4(b)

(b) (i) hydraulic action – weight/power of water/loosening of unconsolidated/soft materials/pressuring of air in cracks; etc.
Corrasion – river uses load it is carrying to erode/sandpapering action etc.
Corrosion – chemicals/acids in water/dissolve rocks; etc.

 3 @ 1 mark [3]

(ii) Ideas such as:
rapid erosion of less resistant rock;
more resistant rock not worn away as rapidly;
power of falling water enlarges plunge pool;
undercutting of hard rock;
collapse of hard rock layer/lack of support;
waterfall retreats (to form gorge); etc.

 5 @ 1 mark or development [5]

(c) Levels marking
Level 1 (1–3 marks)
Statements including limited detail explaining how an oxbow lake is formed. (e.g. river cuts off a meander; erosion during floods; outer bend of meander eroded etc.)

Level 2 (4–6 marks)
More developed statements on how/why an oxbow lake is formed. (e.g. Outer bend of meanders eroded due to faster flowing water; neck of meander cut during time of flood; former meander sealed by deposition etc.)
NB Max 6 marks without diagram

Level 3 (7 marks)
Comprehensive and accurate statements explaining how and why an oxbow lake is formed, including appropriate labelled diagram(s).
NB 1. Diagram must be labelled (or numbers + key) for L3 credit. 2. Do not double credit text and annotation (other than allowing access to L3) [7]

[Total: 25]


Past Exam Questions on Rivers

Sample J 2016, QP 1 Qn 4 (b) / Sample J 2016 MS 1 Qn 4 (b)

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